GirlForce: Skills, education and training for girls now. 1. Test your knowledge on the state of gender equality in the world today with our two quizzes below. For gender equality in society, the overall score in 2019 was 0.67, up from 0.66 in 2015. As men are typically viewed as superior, they can divorce their wives relatively easily and even through mere oral renunciation. Across the Middle East and North Africa, countries have been upgrading women’s rights. In Chad, the GPI is only 0.55 – there are 55 literate female youth for every 100 literate male youth. Gender inequality-the differential access to opportunity and security for women and girls-has become an important and visible issue for the economies of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Bringing family and labour laws into line with gender goals would enable more women to enter employment and would make MENA economies more competitive and inclusive, according to a new OECD report. 5. The question of the burqa and of veiling in general is more complex than the view that it is a cumbersome garment symbolic of the Taliban repression of women. 2 Gender equity in the health workforce: analysis of 104 countries Background The health and social sector, with its 234 million workers, is one of the biggest and fastest growing employers in the world, particularly of women.1 Women comprise seven out of ten health and social care workers and contribute IT Management. Australian Government, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Australia’s Gender Equality Scorecard (November 2018): p. 15. The COVID-19 pandemic is “interrupting efforts” to achieve gender equality and threatening to “reverse hard-won gains” over the past decades, a senior UN official said on Tuesday. Gender equality benefits development and progress and decreases the level of domestic violence. ... gender equality due to chronically low female labor force participation rates, which represent a high cost ... information and relevant statistics. Home. Statistics on " Gender inequality in Italy" ... "Opinion of female Arab youths on the gender equality in rights in the Middle East and North Africa region in 2020, by region." This paper is also concerned with the relationship between gender inequality and income per capita in developing countries. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response in Refugee Situations in the Middle East and North Africa (2015) Age, Gender and Diversity Good Practices in the Americas (2015) Speaking for Ourselves: Hearing Refugee Voices (2014) Dialogues with Refugee Women (2013) Age, Gender and Diversity Best Practice Compilation (2012) The best example of gender equality is a Housewife. This might seem very odd to you at the first instance but it is true. People who cook food in different hotels, restaurants, dhabas, etc are all men. Israel ranks 30th in gender equality among 100 countries - study. 216-6124-01-500-03-11) by . On Economic Participation and Opportunity, it ranks ahead only of South Asia. Gender equality in the European Union: improvements and challenges between 2005 and 2017 Still far from the finish line Snail’s-pace progress on gender equality in the EU continues When it comes to the study of society, researching gender … The 2013 and 2015 OECD Gender Recommendations provide guidance on how to advance gender equality in education, employment, entrepreneurship and public life; this book discusses recent developments in these areas in one overview chapter and 24 short chapters which each include key findings and policy recommendations. Yet, in Middle Eastern countries, gender discrimination is often so deeply entrenched in the culture that it … Middle East Country Specific FGM Statistics BAHRAIN - There is anecdotal evidence of FGM/C occurring in Bahrain, but the evidence available is scarce. Its results have shown us things we already knew but for which we did not have evidence – for example, Here are some key findings about gender gains and gaps in America. Gender Inequality in Middle East. Gender Equality Context in Indonesia. As such, it is concerned with the instrumental effects of gender equality in education. In the Middle East and North Africa only 26 percent of women work outside the home, making it almost impossible for those trapped in poverty to escape. Labor force participation among women stands at 18.4% relative to 77.2% among Arab men. Child marriage is one the most devastating examples of gender inequality, as it limits women’s opportunities and their ability to reach their full individual potential. Human Trafficking: Adult women and girls account for 71 percent of all human trafficking victims detected globally. Its key messages remain relevant today, affirming that women’s rights are human rights and that equality between women and men benefits everyone. Social indicators and gender statistics reveal that women in the Arab region are on average more disadvantaged economically, politically, and socially than are women in other regions, and certainly more so than in regions with similar income levels or at similar stages of economic development (e.g., Latin America, Southeast Asia, East Asia). Cultural relativity cannot obstruct the advancement of women’s equality in the ME and women universally. No. There is widespread acknowledgement from companies in the region that gender equality is … Gender equality. Women in IT. The status of women varies widely in the Middle East, and one should not project the norms in Saudi Arabia—one of the most sexist and oppressive states in the region—onto the larger Muslim world. There is a similar challenge in the Middle East already–Emiratisation. Resilience in Middle East and North Africa (GISR MENA) (Project No. To my mind, the problem is that Scandinavian countries and the Middle East countries have different mentality, culture, traditions, customs and laws. Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, “The Fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality,” Women and Men in Japan 2020 (2020). What Factors Determine the Changing Roles of Women in the Middle East and Islamic Societies? The Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE) is a Historically, the Middle East gave women more rights than in the West including the right to own and manage property, to sue and be sued, to enter into contracts and conduct businesses, rights granted to Western women only relatively recently. Women in tech statistics: The hard truths of an uphill battle. However, the region continues to rank last globally on the overall Index, behind South Asia. Gender-responsive and age-sensitive social protection 1 Women make up 47% of the U.S. labor force, up from 30% in 1950 – but growth has stagnated. UNICEF Gender Action Plan 2018–2021. IFJ statistics demonstrate that at least 1 in every 2 journalists have suffered sexual harassment, psychological abuse, online trolling and other forms of human rights abuses. The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in the Middle East and North Africa is the most extensive comparative study of men and their views and experiences related to gender and gender equality ever undertaken in the region. Find more information and data on education here. IRAN - FGM/C in Iran is known to be concentrated among the Kurdish community and the Sunni minority communities in Iran, largely in provinces located in the west and south of the country. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and has one of the highest literacy rates in Asia (females 93.59% and males 97.17%). Its results have shown us things we already knew but for which we did not have evidence – for example, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa and South Asia experience the widest gender gap in youth literacy, with a gender parity index (GPI) at 0.93, 0.95 and 0.96, respectively. In conclusion Western notions of gender equality are relevant to the roles of women in the Middle East but these Western ideals in Middle Eastern societies require necessary sensitivity and absolute universal commitment. This kind of violence occurs in practically all countries in the region and affects families of all backgrounds, religions and social spheres. 2 The paper uses data for a sample 41 sub-Saharan African (SSA), North African and Middle Eastern countries 3 and ordinary least squares (OLS), within-group, Arellano and Bond … Gary Barker, a frequent contributor to Voice Male, is president and CEO of Promundo. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Social Institutions and Gender Index 2014, which measures legislation, practices, and attitudes that restrict women’s rights and opportunities, classifies Egypt to be among the countries ‘very high’ in gender discrimination together with others in Africa and the Middle East. Closing the Middle East’s education gender gap. The statistics speak for themselves. Gender Equality Strategy for the FAO RNE builds on and supports these efforts. ILO statistics show that the Arab region has the world’s lowest rate of female economic participation - 26 per cent compared to the global average of 56 per cent. World gender equality statistics reveal that women have 75% of men’s legal rights, on average. WOMEN AND GIRLS' EDUCATION - FACTS AND FIGURES. ... PwC Middle East Tel: +971 4 304 3100 . Jerusalem Post Middle East. When covering a charged subject like gender in the Middle East, it is important to consider context: the progression of rights over time, the value of the family network, the variation in family or personal status laws across states, or the role of Sharia (Islamic law) or indigenous religious practices in shaping cultural norms, for example. The Middle East and North Africa region experienced the biggest increase in gender equality, rising from a global GPS of 0.47 in 2015 to 0.50 in 2019. IT Management. Gender Equality within the Tourism Industry. Global annual results report 2020: Gender equality. Wise Muslim Women. Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “Table 12.2: Employment by Industry,” Statistical Handbook of Japan 2018 (2018): p. 126. Middle East; South and Central Asia ... 2020, according to statistics from Kenya’s Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GVRC), 45% of women and girls between the … There is growing evidence in countries such as KSA, UAE and Egypt that the gender-equality agenda is progressing, despite challenges including lack of support after a career break, deep-seated social norms, and gender stereotypes and bias. The World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual Global Gender Gap Report lists the UAE as a "leader in promoting gender equality in the Middle East" and ranks it … The Middle East and North Africa region continues its progress from last year, with a remaining overall gender gap of less than 40% for a third consecutive year. A recent McKinsey study of 1,000 companies across 12 countries found that firms that had taken steps to improve gender equality were more profitable than national averages. By contrast, male labour force participation rates, at 77 per cent, are above the global average of 75 percent. QUIZ 1 focuses on the global findings from the 2019 SDG Gender Index, and QUIZ 2 focuses on the regional findings from Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. Rozenzweig & Company, The 15 th Annual Rosenzweig Report (March 2020): p. 5. IRAN - FGM/C in Iran is known to be concentrated among the Kurdish community and the Sunni minority communities in Iran, largely in provinces located in the west and south of the country. The COVID-19 pandemic is “interrupting efforts” to achieve gender equality and threatening to “reverse hard-won gains” over the past decades, a senior UN official said on Tuesday. Gender equality data. We also consider Arab countries as a subgroup, and Muslim countries in a broader sense in the analysis. By contrast, male labour force participation rates, at 76 per cent, are above the global average of 74 per cent. The term gender has no exact correlate in Middle Eastern sources, but instead is identified by scholars as a major analytical tool in the definition of differences between men and women. The … ... (64.6), the Middle East … There are thousands of stories like Rahma’s across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, but not all of them have happy endings. How Middle East CIOs can promote gender equality in the workplace. Saudi Arabia has lifted its restrictions on women traveling abroad, the most notable weakening yet of the country’s notorious guardianship system. For far too many, being born a girl remains a primary cause for exclusion in the 21 st century. It is not limited to a specific country, or a region. It belongs to a tradition of purdah in the Middle East and South Asia where it predated Islam, included Hinduism, and set gender boundaries for both men and women. Women, on the other hand, face many more challenges. MENA is the … 1 FAO. These trends are similar across regions. Access to quality education should be increased and wealthy countries can help their lower-income counterparts in this effort. Gender violence, manifested essentially as violence against women, is one of the most significant epidemics in the Middle East today. Education is a basic human right, yet persistent inequalities in education cripples the lives of millions of women and girls, worldwide. This figure represents employment data from October-December 2018. According to a survey conducted on public opinion on the status of women in the Middle East in 2019, 65 percent of respondents in Lebanon supported gender equality in the division of … Advancing gender equality and the rights of women and girls is essential to realizing the rights of all children thus, UNICEF promotes the equal rights of girls and boys, women and men and supports their full participation in social, political and economic development. According to the World Bank reports for MENA (2004, 2012), there is a paradoxical situation in this region in terms of gender equality and development. The RNE covers 19 countries from the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf States. According to a survey in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region on the Arab youth in 2020, 52 percent of female Arab youth respondents in the region believed that men and women had similar professionals opportunities. Abstract. The stark warning was issued by Taline Koranchelian, Middle East and Central Asia deputy director of the International Monetary Fund, on the second day of the Global Women’s Forum in Dubai. Harnessing the power of data for girls: Taking stock and looking ahead to 2030. 2020 Edition now available! Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls - Read about the UAE's efforts to fulfill the SDG 'Gender equality' on the UAE's SDGs portal. Gender inequality has always been a prevailing issue that affects countries all over the world. In most of the Middle East, countries are governed by religious ideals and gender inequality is pervasive. Gender In The Middle East. Statistics Canada, “Table 14-10-0297-01: Labour Force Characteristics by Occupation, Annual (x 1,000)” (2020). Coordinated by Promundo and UN Women, in collaboration with local research partners, the report takes a never-before-seen look at what it means to be a man in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, and Palestine today. Our main focus in this study is on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. 3. Many researchers in every discipline argue that gender has always been embedded in all societies, past and present. It could be more than 150 years before gender pay equality is achieved in the Middle East and North Africa, a Dubai conference heard. 2012. There has to be a pipeline of qualified talent to prevent the feeling of a hire becoming a ‘quota’ number. Jordanian armed forces making great strides in gender equality A new military women’s training center means increased opportunities in nontraditional posts. As many as 2.8 billion women and girls live in countries that fail to meet basic gender equality levels, a new Gender Equality Index has found. A separate study of Fortune 500 companies conducted by Catalyst found that organizations with high levels of gender equality in management positions had 35 percent better … Although traditional attitudes about gender equality still dominate, at least a quarter of men hold more open and equitable views, supporting various aspects of women’s economic, social, and political equality in the Middle East and North Africa. (World Bank) What’s more, according to the World Bank’s statistics about gender inequality, women in North Africa and the Middle East only have 50% of the legal rights men have. There is widespread acknowledgement from companies in the region that gender equality is … 1 January 2017. The Middle East should learn from Scandinavian countries. Women in the Middle East and North Africa are better educated and better skilled than ever, yet legal and social barriers mean the share of them in work is still the lowest in the world. The Regional Report on Women in the Middle East maps the participation of women in the tourism sector across the region prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is the largest multi-country study of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa. Gender equality issues in MENA are usually approached from a social, anthropological, or political angle. How Middle East CIOs can promote gender equality in the workplace. Today, four out of five working-age women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region don't have a job, and about one- third of women are still unconnected. Toward Gender Equality in East Asia and the Pacific: A Companion to the World Development Report; Across the East Asia and Pacific region, female-headed households own less land than male-headed households. ... A Jordanian woman became the first from a Middle Eastern … The first-ever study on men and masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa by UN Women and Promundo surveyed 10,000 men across Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon and Palestine. The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in the Middle East and North Africa is the most extensive comparative study of men and their views and experiences related to gender and gender equality ever undertaken in the region. Gender equality - The Official Portal of the UAE Government. Home. Test your knowledge on the state of gender equality in the world today with our two quizzes below. Why advancing gender equality in the world of work in the Middle East is important to me as it should be to you, it is because: Women are an engine for economic growth greatly needed in the region. Chart. embodies the commitment of the international community to achieve gender equality and to provide better opportunities for women and girls. Few women own farms despite the fact that 40% of the region's women are employed in agriculture. Middle East Country Specific FGM Statistics BAHRAIN - There is anecdotal evidence of FGM/C occurring in Bahrain, but the evidence available is scarce. Gender equality and labour market trends for young people in the Middle East and North Africa Gender equality is a critical concern to improve the labour market situation of young women and men in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Gender equality means that women and men and girls and boys enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. By Chris Head On Jul 7, 2021. Women in the Middle East now ... countries with large or emerging youth populations that reduce gaps in sexual and reproductive health care and promote gender equality also have the … And the UAE is doing better than many countries in the region when it comes to gender equality. Source: World Bank. QUIZ 1 focuses on the global findings from the 2019 SDG Gender Index, and QUIZ 2 focuses on the regional findings from Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development. To enable gender equality there is a factor that can’t be forgotten. TD General Manager. 2013. Gender Roles : The Middle East Essay1996 Words | 8 Pages Gender role goes beyond biological sex, it is more based to identify leadership as masculine and feminine gender stereotypes. In the middle east, women viewed as housewives, they can not be open with men, and they are not freely to wear what they want. One-quarter of men in Middle East and North Africa support gender equality. Only 16%, 27% and 69% of the sample of media companies studied have company-wide policies on gender equality in Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa and the Sub Saharan region in … The Arab region has the world’s lowest rate of female labour force participation - 18.4 percent compared to the global average of 48 per cent. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Policy on Gender Equality: Attaining Food Security Goals in Agriculture and Rural Development. gender equality Embracing Gender Diversity In Entrepreneurship Across The Middle East Arab countries have begun to recognize that gender parity is both an economic and strategic imperative. The World's Women 2020: Trends and Statistics compiles 100 data stories that provide a snapshot of the state of gender equality worldwide. Women in tech statistics: The hard truths of an uphill battle. Facts & Figures. Progress towards gender equality in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA) region is a descriptive note on progress and gaps towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region, produced to provide the situational context to the World Bank Group’s regional gender … Closing the Middle East’s education gender gap. Bringing family and labour laws into line with gender goals would enable more women to enter employment and would make MENA economies more competitive and inclusive, according to a new OECD report. Access to quality education should be increased and wealthy countries can help their lower-income counterparts in this effort. The gender pay gap, which is a reality in every continent, and which not only affects women throughout their working lives but in retirement too. Management Systems International (MSI). Female Entrepreneurs Can Propel Economic Growth Gender equality is central to the ILO’s goal of decent work for all. If you move the slider to 1920, you will see that while gender equal inheritance systems were very rare in the early 20th century, today they are much more common. If women were employed at or near the rate in the rest of the world, household incomes would jump a whopping 25 percent. It marks another advance for gender equality, more than a year after the kingdom ended the world’s only ban on women driving. Discusses the role of woman in the Middle East and Islam and their struggle for equality while also dispelling stereotypes about gender oppression in Islam. Female labor force participation in the MENA region remains lower than anywhere else in the world, and stands at just 20%. And still, despite the progress achieved, in many countries, notably in North Africa and the Middle East, women and girls still have fewer inheritance rights than men and boys. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. A new World Bank report, Opening Doors: Gender Equality and Development in the Middle East and North Africa, identifies a whole set of economic, legal and cultural hurdles that have kept the region’s women out of public life and out of the labor market. Since 2011, nearly every country in North Africa has adopted a gender … The share of women in the labor force generally grew throughout the second half of the 20th century, but it has since leveled off. It affects not only families but societies as a whole. 3, March 2019. and managerial roles (World Bank 2009: 4–8).23Finally, the gender pay gap in the MENA region is one of the world’s highest, at roughly 40 per cent, and wage discrimination against women in the private sector is one reason that the public sector remains more appealing. Women in the Middle East and North Africa are better educated and better skilled than ever, yet legal and social barriers mean the share of them in work is still the lowest in the world. Investments in gender equality contribute to lifelong positive outcomes for children and their communities and yield considerable inter-generational payoffs, as children’s rights and well-being often depend on the rights and well-being of women. Women in IT. 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